Economy, asked by gmohabey1711, 1 year ago

In development people look for mix of goals. Explain..............​


Answered by YOGESHmalik025

development needs a better plan.

people many times do multitask .

this way they get more pr0fit .

Answered by singhkarishma882

For development people look for mix goals :-)

  • If women get engaged in paid work, their dignity in the household society increases.

  • However, it is also the case that if there is respect for women there would be more sharing of household work and greater acceptance of women working outside.

  • A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs and run a buisness.

These are goals other than income. Hence, the development goals that people have are not only about better income but also about other important things in life.

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