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The famous buzzword among educationists today is Education 4.0. What is Education 4.0? Do educators really understand it or they simply follow what others are doing. To
understand Education 4.0, it is important to understand the
Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0.
What is Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0? Shwab (2016)
provides an example that helps to understand how the industrial revolutions changed across time. During the 1st IR,
water and steam were used to mechanize production. During
the 2nd IR, electric power was used to create mass production. During the 3rd IR, electronics and information technology were used to automate production. The 4th IR is beyond
an enhancement of the 3rd IR, in which the advancement of
new technologies blurs the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds. The new technologies evolve at
exponential pace and there is no historical precedent that
marked the beginning of the evolution, hence being called
disruptive technologies. These advancements are led by the
emergence of artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet of
things, autonomous vehicles, bio and nanotechnology, 3-D
printing, material science, quantum computing and energy
storage (Diwan, 2017). The IR 4.0 affects not only the business, governance and the people, it also affects education as
well, thus the name Education 4.0 came to existence.
Education 4.0 is a response to the needs of IR4.0 where
human and technology are aligned to enable new possibilities. Fisk (2017) explains that the new vision of learning
promotes learners to learn not only skills and knowledge that
are needed but also to identify the source to learn these skills
and knowledge. Learning is built around them as to where
and how to learn and tracking of their performance is done
Answer: Education 4.0 is a purposeful approach to learning that lines up with the fourth industrial revolution and about transforming the future of education using advanced technology and automation. Creativity is the foundation of Education 4.0. It emphasizes the need to prepare students to take on challenges, head-on.