English, asked by nusratjamal22, 1 year ago

In exactly 500 words discuss the importance of trial scene and the role played by Portia in this scene in Merchant of Venice


Answered by philominajoseph

Hi !

Antonio’s trial is the climax of the play: having entered into a usury agreement with Shylock on behalf of Bassanio, which he was unable to repay, Antonio has been imprisoned. By the terms of the bond, Shylock can claim a pound of Antonio’s flesh upon forfeiture. Shylock intends to claim his heart, thereby killing Antonio.


Portia and her serving woman, Nerissa, disguise themselves as men to intervene in the trial. Portia becomes Balthasar, a doctor of law, and argues that Shylock ought to have mercy for Antonio. Her famous speech begins,

The quality of mercy is not strain'd,

It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless'd

She goes on to extol the virtues of mercy: that it displays power better than a crown ever could, that is is “an attribute to God himself,” that salvation cannot come from justice but only from mercy. In doing so, of course, she extols Christian values, which alienates Shylock as a Jew. However, she rules in favor of Shylock: the bond is forfeit, and therefore Shylock might claim his pound of flesh.

Why, this bond is forfeit;

And lawfully by this the Jew may claim

A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off

Nearest the merchant's heart.—Be merciful;

Take thrice thy money; bid me tear the bond.

But while she concedes that Shylock is owed his pound of flesh, by the terms of the bond no blood has been allotted with it. Therefore, Shylock cannot carve out his pound of flesh. Adding insult to injury, she rules that:

If it be proved against an alien

That by direct or indirect attempts

He seek the life of any citizen,

The party 'gainst the which he doth contrive,

Shall seize one half his goods; the other half

Comes to the privy coffer of the state;

And the offender's life lies in the mercy

Of the duke only, 'gainst all other voice.

Thus, Shylock has fallen: from possessing the power to legally take his enemy’s life to having his fortune confiscated and half given to that same enemy. Portia denies Shylock the same mercy that she had urged him to act upon, hypocritically; insult is added to injury when Antonio allows Shylock to keep half his fortune if he names Lorenzo as his heir and converts to Christianity. Shylock is humiliated and degraded, claiming that:

You take my house when you do take the prop

That doth sustain my house; you take my life,

When you do take the means whereby I live.

The trial scene serves many purposes: one of the main storylines comes to fruition as Shylock receives his downfall; Portia proves herself as capable as any man; and Antonio is relieved of the bond. Portia’s role is pivotal in this scene: without her intervention, Antonio would have died. In saving Antonio, Portia's character is fleshed out: she has gone from a woman trapped by her father's will to a woman more capable than any man present in the courtroom. At the same time, she is revealed to be hypocritical in her attitudes toward Shylock: she urges him to be merciful yet is unmerciful herself.


Answered by SelieVisa


Trial Scene Of Merchant Of Venice

Act IV, Scene I of William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice involves the climactic court scene in which Shylock and Antonio confront one another, in person, before Portia, who will determine Antonio's fate.

Shylock is unpopular with other characters who accuse him of practising usury. This means lending money with outrageously high rates of interest. The merchants, such as Antonio, too cannot stand Shylock because they believe his way of making money is immoral.

The trial scene is perhaps the most important scene of the play 'The Merchant of Venice'. It is the scene which sets the ground for logic, justice, and righteousness. The trial is perhaps the most crucial scene in the play. In Act IV, Scene I, Shylock demands the right to cut a pound of flesh from Antonio's body. The court's decision determines Antonio's fate. The duke appeals to Shylock's sense of compassion, to no avail. The cunning Shylock, smitten by his prejudice, wants to ruin Antonio on the basis of the bond signed by Antonio. Shylock states that there was an agreement between Antonio and him, so the agreement should not be broken. He has no mercy and is eager to take the life by cutting a pound of flesh from the body of Antonio.

When Portia and Antonio reach there, Portia uses her clever wit to save Antonio. she says that sure, the words are "a pound of flesh" but she analyzes the bond and quickly finds out that there is no "blood" written in it. So she uses that as a advantage against Shylock and wins the case.

Portia says the bond allows for a pound of flesh, but not for the shedding of blood. Shylock can take the pound of flesh but he cannot take any blood. According to the law his properties will be confiscate and divided between the city of Venice and Antonio. Shylock has already refused the offer in court, and he will receive only the law, just as he asked for.

Portia is the central figure of the dramatic trial. Her brilliant and keen observation saved the life of an innocent man from an unforgiving enemy. Her role is significant. Her verdict of the trial is symbolic of the victory of good overcoming evil. The Merchant of Venice is the conflict between self interest and love.

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