In french how to identify the definite articles of when do we use them
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Using the definite article
▪The definite article in French (le, la, l’ and les) is used in more or less the same way as we use the in English, but it is also used in French in a few places where you might not expect it.
The definite article is used with words like prices, flu and time that describe qualities, ideas or experiences (called abstract nouns) rather than something that you can touch with your hand. Usually, the is missed out in English with this type of word.
Les prix montent.Prices are rising.J’ai la grippe.I’ve got flu.Je n’ai pas le temps.I don’t have time.
Note that there are some set phrases using avoir, avec or sans followed by a noun, where the definite article is NOT used.
avoir faimto be hungry (literally: to have hunger)avec plaisirwith pleasuresans douteprobably (literally: without doubt)
You also use the definite article when you are talking about things like coffee or computers that you can touch with your hand (called concrete nouns) if you are talking generally about that thing. Usually, the is missed out in English with this type of word.
Je n’aime pas le café.I don’t like coffee.Les ordinateurs coûtent très cher.Computers are very expensive.Les professeurs ne gagnent pas beaucoup.Teachers don’t earn very much.
If you are talking about a part of your body, you usually use a word like my or his in English, but in French you usually use the definite article.
Tourne la tête à gauche.Turn your head to the left.Il s’est cassé lebras.He’s broken his arm.J’ai mal à lagorge.I’ve got a sore throat.
In French you have to use the definite article in front of the names of countries, continents and regions.
la BretagneBrittanyl’EuropeEuropeLa France est très belle.France is very beautiful.J’ai acheté ce poster au Japon.I bought this poster in Japan.Je viens des États-Unis.I come from the United States.
Note that if the name of the country comes after the French word en, meaning toor in, you do not use the definite article. en is used with the names of countries, continents and regions that are feminine in French.
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