in hindi language why india is called golden bird
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भारत को 'सुनहरा पक्षी' नामित किया गया था, इसका प्रमुख कारण इसकी प्रचुर मात्रा में कच्चे माल और कीमती पत्थरों की उपलब्धता के कारण था। ... इस जमीन पर प्राचीन भारत एक वैश्विक व्यापार केंद्र था। सोना पहले भारत की भूमि में पाया गया था।
The major reason why India was named 'golden bird' was because of its abundant raw materials and availability of precious stones. ... On this ground the ancient India was a global trade hub. Gold was first found in the lands ofIndia.
भारत को 'सुनहरा पक्षी' नामित किया गया था, इसका प्रमुख कारण इसकी प्रचुर मात्रा में कच्चे माल और कीमती पत्थरों की उपलब्धता के कारण था। ... इस जमीन पर प्राचीन भारत एक वैश्विक व्यापार केंद्र था। सोना पहले भारत की भूमि में पाया गया था।
The major reason why India was named 'golden bird' was because of its abundant raw materials and availability of precious stones. ... On this ground the ancient India was a global trade hub. Gold was first found in the lands ofIndia.
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Because when India was slave so much money INDIA was having ; there fore it was called shonee ki chiirriya which means GOLDEN BIRD but as britishers came , it exploited all the resources , took away all the money as indians were not rebelling against them so they made our country slaves and deteriorated the human as well as economic devlopment and took all money with them . India was vvv. much rich at that time but as britishers came, they made kings fight and spoiled the unity and make leaders against each other , ask people to fight with one another and took all their powers by defeating them . So, they made GOLDEN BIRD, now a poor country both from health and economic growth.
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