English, asked by gagangill238gmailcom, 6 months ago

in India an educated man is expected to master _​


Answered by piyush433062


The most obvious ingredient of "educatedness" is information or knowledge. In its common usage, the word "knowledge" refers to propositional knowledge of the form "X knows that Y". Thus, we expect an educated person in the modern world to know that the square root of four is two, that the earth spins on its axis and goes round the sun, that the pumping of the heart circulates blood, that rice is high in carbohydrates and low in protein, and that the Greek notion of democracy did not include women and slaves.

When determining what goes into the background information of an educated person, it would be useful to distinguish between general knowledge and specialized knowledge. We expect a physicist to know that in the quark theory, the only elementary particles are quarks and leptons, but it is hardly necessary for a lawyer, doctor, or sociologist to have this information, and hence we would treat it as specialized knowledge. In contrast, we agree that the idea that matter consists of molecules and molecules consist of atoms is part of the general knowledge of any educated person in modern times.

It is also important to bear in mind that what is regarded as knowledge keeps changing over time. The concept of the functional asymmetry of the left and right brains was not part of human knowledge in the seventeenth century, but today it is part of not only the knowledge of the specialist, but also the lay educated person. A few centuries ago, specialists and non-specialists alike believed that the sun revolves around the earth. We do not expect an educated person in modern times to subscribe to this belief. Even the division between specialized and general knowledge does not remain static. The concept of sensitivity-to-initial-conditions in chaos theory used to be part of specialized knowledge in the physical sciences, but it is fast becoming part of the general knowledge of educated people.

Answered by shaazyy


no but in some cases it yes

now a days many engineer are considered as useless

these is worst side of society

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