English, asked by safdarali73, 6 months ago

() in Mongolia, when a dog
(diel, he
(bury) high in the hills. So people
(Walk) on his grave. The dog's master
(whisper) in the dog's
car his wishes that the dog
return) as a man in his next life. I
learn) that from a programme on the National Geographic Channel.
b) Raju
be) a poor fisherman. He
(live) on the banks of a stream
(now) into the Kaveri river. When the sunlight
(shine) on the
water, the stream
(look) like a thin golden ribbon.
A poor young artist
(uk) to paint the portrait of a lady and he
his best to make a good likeness. When the portrait
(finish), it
to the lady's friends. All the friends
(be) glad to see it
Every living thing
have) its place in a food chain or more particularly, in several.
The destiny of all animals and plants except the very simplest
(be) to cat others and
to be
(eat) A food chain
make up) of a number
of link


Answered by shabanaprvin1984


I am really sorry

I can't


because I am in exams preparations is held on Monday

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