in our India Constitution, good qualities are mentioned in
Whether a constitution is suitable or unsuitable for a particular country. Depends up on the circumstance, which prevail there. It is possible that a particular type of constitution may prove useful for a particular country, but for another country it may not prove useful.
For example a federal constitution is suitable for India, but it is not suitable for Nepal, Myanmar and Pakistan. It depends on the social and economic set up of the country. Every state has a right to decide and frame its own constitution. A good constitution must have the following qualities.
1. Clarity or definiteness:
Every clause of the constitution should be written in simple language. It should express its meaning clearly without leaving any scope for confusion.
2. Brevity:
The constitutions should not be lengthy. It should contain only important things and unimportant things should be left out. But the brevity should not lead to gap in Constitution having some issues unexplained.
3. Comprehensiveness:
The constitution should be applicable to the whole country. If it is a federation then it must say the structure and power of the center and provincial government.
4. Flexibility:
The constitution should not be too rigid to hinder the process of amendment when needed.
5. Declaration of rights:
A good constitution must contain the fundamental rights of the people. In the constitution of countries like India, Russia, China, America and Japan such declaration have been made.
6. Independence of judiciary:
Independence of judiciary is another quality of a good constitution. The judiciary should function freely and act as the guardian of the fundamental rights of the people without favour or fear.
7. Directive Principles of State Policy:
In a good constitution mention must be made of the directive Principles of he State Policy because, it helps the establishment of a welfare state. These principles also serve as a boon for the government.
Most of the qualities above are available in the constitution of India.