In sexual reproduction, mitosis occurs but meiosis does not occur. Which type of reproduction-sexual or asexual-results in offspring with greater genetic variation? Explain your answer.
sexual reproduction results in offspring with greater genetic variation and it is mainly due to the meiosis which occurs during the gamete fusion, fertilization.
Sexual reproduction provides genetic diversity because the sperm and egg that are produced contain different combinations of genes than the parent organisms. Each resulting cell, or gamete, resulting from meiosis has only half the amount of DNA as the parent cell. Meiosis actually provides more diversity by the recombination of non-sister chromatids. (A non-sister chromatid refers to either one of the two chromatids of paired homologous chromosomes. During prophase I of meiosis I, the non-sister chromatids of (homologous chromosomes) form chiasma(ta) to exchange genetic material).
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