In 'The 3Ls of Empowerment' , Christine Lagarde affirms the fact that learning,labour and leadership are the key factors that contribute to the empowerment of women across the globe. In 'Matchbox' in spite of her vigour and integrity, Nomita is potrayed helpless and miserable. Now, prepare an article on the sufferings of women when they are denied the 3Ls. You may make use of the instances from the text and your personal experience while you write the article.
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Major issues long-faced by the globe these days is that the lack of women’s participation in economic activities.
Once one half the population is unbroken from economic activities, the per capita financial gain of the country decreases.
This is often identical as wasting half the resources in the world. If we have a tendency to offer girls a chance, they'll contribute to the event of the country through their potential. T
his could happen on condition that we have a tendency to offer girls education, employment and chance to steer.
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