Biology, asked by akshayanagadasari15, 8 months ago

In the following two essential elements A
and B former is not a constituent of
nucleic acids but required for their
synthesis and later is a constituent of
chlorophyll and hence required for its
synthesis A and B respectively are
(A) Iron and Magnesium
(B) Magnesium and Iron
(C) Magnesium and Magnesium
(D) Iron and Iron​


Answered by janvi24423



Essentiality of the element is, the element must be critical for the growth and development of the plant. The plant cannot complete its life cycle or produce seeds or exhibit normal growth in the absence of the element. The requirement for the element must be specific and not replaceable by another element. This means the deficiency of one element cannot be compensated by supplying any other element. The element must have a direct role in the metabolism of the plant

Answered by SumitSh4rma
Essential Mineral Elements
As we know, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide organisms with the energy needed for growth and development. Are there any other nutrients essential for survival? Yes! They are called ‘Minerals’. Minerals are also equally important for organisms to perform functions necessary for you.

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