In the investment world, it is said that small
stocks of today, are big stocks of their future.
The natural progression is for a small stockings
to growing to become mid-stock and then
a large one. In India, company with a market
capitalisation of less then 500 crore could
as small stock.
Always the small stock leads to a big market, if do not consider small stock, we have a huge chance of losing everything at a cost of care. Small stocks are necessary because it gives an idea of market how does the market work and would the market buy our product, from small stocks we get to know a lot of things about our product through surveys. A small stock would may rise slowly or it may rise at high speed, but more or less it always stays humble with the producing cause here the producer would never have the risk of losing everything. One must always remember before investing in any product that he/she must try the product on a small stock to get to know all the good and bad point about their product.
Hey this same question came in my exam this year of 10 th.. And I also want solution I had also asked in my question section. If u have now answer please tell me..
I think it's from xam idea 19-20