English, asked by vishnuvardhan8208, 1 month ago

In the lesson The Dear Departed' Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan tried to divide their father's things mistaking him to be dead. Abel, their father who was upset decided to change his will. When the two sisters learnt about the changes, they started blaming each other. Write an imaginary conversation between the two sisters based on the above context ​


Answered by sheikhameenafatma


Amelia calls her sister Elizabeth heartless and insensitive. She also feels that as Elizabeth is selfish and greedy, she will soon arrive for her share of grandfather’s property. Henry implies that both the sisters are similar in nature


This shows that Henry is fair. He does not want to cheat Elizabeth out of her fair share by grabbing things for himself. He feels it should be decided who is to take what, after Elizabeth arrives.

Elizabeth wanted to know why the Slaters had not called in a doctor to see their father when he was supposedly gone. She added that at times people who have been presumed dead were revived by doctors.

Henry tells her that such incidents have occurred only with people who drowned. Therefore, he states that Abel Merryweather had not died of drowning.

Answered by sadiaanam

This lesson demonstrates Henry's fairness. He doesn't want to take things for himself out of Elizabeth's rightful portion.

Irony is evident in the play's title, "Dear Departed." We learn at the start of the play that Mr. Abel, the grandfather, has passed away. Even though they act as though he is close to both of them, his own daughters do not think much of him. They are eager to split up his possessions. Even Mrs. Slater, the person he has been sharing a home with, retrieves his bureau and clock from the room where he is supposedly "dead." Even they are impatiently awaiting his final rites of burial. Grandpa is disliked by Ben and Henry, their husbands. Therefore, no one is saddened by his passing. In this sense, the play's title, "Dear Departed," can be considered a sarcastic declaration.

To learn more about "Dear Departed"Click on below link brainly.in/question/219772


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