in the poem the poet imagines and escape from the wariness of everyday life, which colours suggest this contrast.... The Lake Isle Of Innisfree????????????¿????????????????????????????????????
i think u r telling this☝☝☝
Q2. In the poem, the poet imagines an escape from the weariness of everyday life.
(a). Which aspects of daily life does he probably dislike?
(b). How does the Isle of Innisfree present a contrast to them?
(c). Which colours suggest this contrast?
Ans. (a). The poet dislikes his sad and busy life in the city. He doesn’t find peace of mind in the
(b). The Isle of Innisfree presents a contrast to them by being a peaceful island filled with the
beauty of nature. According to the poet, he will find peace of mind in Innisfree.
(c). The poet describes Innisfree as an island covered in greenery, where the midnight glows
and the noon appears purple. On the other hand he describes the city as grey. These colours suggest this contrast.