in what kind of regime would such a practise be adopted
The Parkville Heart Health Coalition was concerned. A survey of families in the area had shown that most elementary school children spent much of their time watching TV or playing video games. Engrossed in these activities, the kids weren’t getting the exercise they needed.
Research had shown that introducing children to “lifetime” sports – tennis, swimming, hiking, skiing – was one of the best ways to instill in them a long-term commitment to regular physical activity. Members of the Coalition recognized this as a “best practice,” a proven solution to their problem. They realized, however, that they needed the cooperation of the schools, as well as local officials, to teach and promote these sports, as well as provide facilities for them. How could they go about convincing these indispensable partners to invest the necessary time, money, and energy? Was there a best practice for persuading a community to adopt good solutions?
Best or promising practices can help you solve community problems, and save you the trouble of reinventing the wheel. If someone else has already found an effective way to resolve your issue or advance your cause, it makes sense to use it.