In which architectural approach the nodes don't follow any consistent pattern
Architectural engineers apply the technologies of science and in the real world by designing buildings that enhance our standard of living and improve our quality of life. They do this by combining building systems – structural, electrical, mechanical, lighting, acoustics and fire protection - into an integrated whole.An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. Architectural pattern is similar to software design pattern but have a broader scope.
There are many recognized architectural patterns and styles, among them:
Blackboard architectural pattern,Client-server architectural pattern,Component-based architectural pattern,Data-centric architectural pattern,Event-driven (or implicit invocation) architectural pattern,Layered (or multilayered architecture) architectural pattern,Microservices architecturearchitectural pattern and Monolithic application architectural pattern
microservices architecture pattern does not follow consistent pattern among above given patterns.
In architecture micro services architecture in most cases does not usually follow a specific pattern. Engineers use technologies that have been discovered in science to come up with designs that are being used to build structures such as houses. Through this technologies our standards of living have been improved to other levels.CMM