in which book the nazi ideology was articulate
To outsiders, Nazism may have seemed rigidly ideological – but this was only partly true. While National Socialism held common ideas and prejudices, Nazi ideology itself was relatively fluid. It changed over time as conditions and situations required. It could also be broad, general or quite vague.
The Nazi Party published very few clear and definitive expressions of its ideology. Two of the best-known articulations of Nazi ideology were the NSDAP’s 25 Points (drafted in 1920) and Hitler’s rambling memoir Mein Kampf (1924).
In many respects, Nazi ideology was defined by Hitler himself. It was contained in his speeches, policy statements and orders. It changed frequently over time, as Hitler’s objectives changed, and was often confusing or contradictory.
To outsiders, Nazism may have seemed rigidly ideological – but this was only partly true. While National Socialism held common ideas and prejudices, Nazi ideology itself was relatively fluid. It changed over time as conditions and situations required. It could also be broad, general or quite vague.
The Nazi Party published very few clear and definitive expressions of its ideology. Two of the best-known articulations of Nazi ideology were the NSDAP’s 25 Points (drafted in 1920) and Hitler’s rambling memoir Mein Kampf (1924).
In many respects, Nazi ideology was defined by Hitler himself. It was contained in his speeches, policy statements and orders. It changed frequently over time, as Hitler’s objectives changed, and was often confusing or contradictory.
Historical context
Nazism was one of three radical ideologies to appear in Europe after World War I. Fascism, often dubbed the ‘older brother’ of Nazism, took shape in Italy during the war. Devised largely by Benito Mussolini, fascism rejected socialism and democracy in favour of an authoritarian political and economic system, dominated by a single leader.
Soviet socialism, a left-wing ideology with elements of totalitarianism, emerged in Russia after the 1917 revolution. It began as a movement to overthrow capitalism and replace it with a ‘workers’ dictatorship’. In the end, Russia ended up in the hands of Hitler’s rival dictator, Joseph Stalin, who cared little about the lives or well-being of workers.
Nazism had some similarities to both – but it was also a distinctly national phenomenon, drawing on ideas, events and traditions peculiar to Germany.
National Socialism was developed by hardline nationalists whose only interest was the future of Germany and German-speaking Aryan people. As a consequence, they had little interest in creating an international movement, exporting their ideas to other countries or changing the world outside Europe. The restoration of German economic and military supremacy was their chief concern.
Cornerstone documents
The two cornerstone documents of Nazi ideology were the NSDAP’s 25 Points (1920) and Hitler’s autobiography, Mein Kampf (1924). Nazi ideas were also outlined or discussed in many of Hitler’s speeches. None of these sources was constitutional in nature, however. They offered little detail about how Nazi ideas should work in practice.
Hitler seemed to prefer that expressions of Nazi ideology were short, simple and broadly framed. At several times in the 1920s, Hitler resisted proposals to expand or re-draft the party’s 25 Points, declaring them “inviolable”.
This was probably a deliberate strategy. If Nazi ideology was outlined vaguely or in general terms, Hitler was free to interpret or re-invent it as he saw fit.
10 principles of Nazi ideology
While Nazi ideology was open to interpretation and changed over time, it held firm to a number of core values and beliefs. The following 10 principles were a consistent feature of Nazi ideology:
1. Authoritarianism
The Nazis desired strong government and extensive state power. They believed the Nazi state could not function effectively if it lacked the means to impose its will and enforce its policies. Decisions were to be made by a leader with almost absolute power (a Fuhrer). All political authority and sovereignty rested with this leader, who should be trusted by the people to make important decisions on their behalf (Fuhrerprinzip). No political parties or organisations other than the NSDAP could be tolerated. Other groups with political influence, such as unions or churches, would be either restricted or abolished.
2. Totalitarianism
To the Nazis, state power had few limits and extended into all aspects of German political, social and cultural life. They believed it was the government’s duty not just to devise policy but to shape, coordinate and regulate society for the betterment of the nation. A totalitarian government must have the power to control the press and unions, restrict civil liberties, manage education and employ propaganda. Liberal freedoms from government power – such as civil liberties, individual rights and freedoms – were considered irrelevant and subordinate to the interests of the state.
3. Nationalism
Nazism was chiefly a nationalist ideology. It was concerned only with Germany and its interests: restoring the German economy, achieving economic self-sufficiency, rebuilding its military, acquiring territory and providing for the German people. The Nazis had little interest in forming or improving international relationships, other than to advance German interests. They detested diplomacy and despised multilateral groups like the League of Nations. Hitler and his followers had no intention of honouring or abiding by existing foreign treaties or negotiating new ones, except where it might help fulfil their own objectives.
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