English, asked by lipikahomchoudhuri, 5 months ago

In yhe story Uncle podger can anybody say with whom harris was compaired by Jerinimo​


Answered by AnanyaPrasad35


Explanation: The narrator says that Harris is similar to Uncle Podger because Harris likes to put the burden of doing work on other people. The narrator says, "You never saw such a commotion up and down a house, in all your life, as when my Uncle Podger undertook to do a job." If Aunt Podger asks Uncle Podger to hang a picture, Uncle Podger sends a girl out for nails and a boy after her to tell what size nails to buy. He then orders other members of the household to bring him a hammer, step stool, light, and so on, and he orders another person to hold the light for him. He then proceeds to try to hang the picture but cuts himself in the process and makes everyone look for his handkerchief. After multiple travails during which he injures himself and the wall over a long period of time, he hangs the picture in a crooked way. In short, he makes his work the burden of other people and makes a simple task into an exhausting ordeal. Harris similarly tries to make other people do the work when the three men are trying to come up with a packing list until the narrator forces Harris to get the paper and pencil with which to write the list.

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