इन्वेस्टमेंट और ट्रेनिंग एंड डेवलपमेंट इज फॉर द फ्यूचर पीरियड
There is no particular method for developing the employee training, however particular significant methods that
would be measured. A perfect employee training and development program must be the mixture of knowledge,
career development and goal setting. These approaches will benefit the program to be more useful for the employees
and organization. Today organizations are extensively using the Information Technology systems for their learning
programs. Knowledge and information systems are rapidly moving ahead and those companies cannot survive that
provide up to date knowledge of I.T. to their employees. For a new task training must be given to employees so that
they can easily cope with new task. It should be the responsibility of the organization to assured that employees have
knowledge, skills and abilities, and these skills must be according to the required level of the job. Furthermore, when
employees need required skills and knowledge it should be provide them on the right time without any delay. In the
result thereof, companies required to make sure that employee can learn whenever they required (Garger 1999). To
complete this purpose organizations required the internet and computer based learning segments.