Math, asked by 4155551234, 1 month ago

ince they
3 7.
4.7% per annum. What will be the population at the end of the year
Find Compound interest paid when a sum of 10000 is invested for 1 year and 3 months
at 85% per anmum compounded annually.
Ariftook a loan of 380,000 from a bank. If the rate of interest is 10% per annum, find the


Answered by barbiedoll275


A ball is thrown horizontally with speed 20 m//s from a tower of height 80 m. (a) After how much time and at what horizontal distance from the foot of tower it strikes the ground. (b) Find the magnitude and direction of the velocity with which it strikes the ground. ( c) Find the velocity vector of ball after 1 s. (d) Trajectory followed by the ball.

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