English, asked by swethasandhyamenon63, 11 months ago

Indian weddings are matchless in grandeur, glamour and luxury. They are matchless in wastage, extravagance and vulgar display of money and wealth. Record your experience of such a marriage in your diary


Answered by beckydanieldaniel


They are matchless in wastage extravagance and … ... scenario so share your experience of such marriage in your diary

Answered by cbbinitha87


New Delhi

20th June, 20XX

Sunday, 7:00 pm

Dear Diary,

They say that Indian weddings are matchless in glory, grandeur and glamour. In comparison, weddings in Europe and America pale into insignificance. The other side of the story is that Indian marriages are matchless in wastage, extravagance and vulgar display of money and wealth. Recently I happened to attend one such big marriage. About five thousand guests were invited to the ‘barat ’ or the wedding party. A township of stalls serving hundreds of dishes, drinks and sweets had come up on the sprawling lawns of a five star hotel. The ceremony lasted till midnight. Even by a conservative estimate it was a show worth in crores. Surely this amount would have been sufficient to feed all the beggars and orphans of the city for months.It speaks volumes of disparity that has become the main feature of Indian society. A small minority grabs all the riches and wealth of the nation. The extravagance and vulgar display in Indian marriages are at the cost of the starving millions.

- ladybug

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