English, asked by sumersingh80, 1 year ago

indian women on rise​


Answered by rite2tanujtussar


Our Constitution guarantees them all those rights, freedom, and privileges enjoyed by the male. Consequently, they now feel emancipated and free. The women of India, who form almost 50% of the population, have equal opportunities and rights and can aspire to any position and status in society. Many of them are in top positions in various fields of life. A few of them have been great political leaders, entrepreneurs, administrators and business persons. This marked change in their outlook, social and economic status reflects the fact that their emancipation has been almost complete. It is a fact that Indian women have much better status than their counterparts in many other developing countries.

Their active participation in various social, political, economical, educational, scientific and other nation- building activities as mothers, wives, sisters and daughters has been of vital importance in taking the country to greater heights. And yet, there is no room for any complacency. They are doubly burdened as they have to work hard, both as employed women and housewives. Ours is still a male- dominated society and women have to depend on men for protection and help at every stage of life. As a daughter, she needs protection from her father; as a married woman, she has to depend on her husband; and, in old age again, she has to depend upon her husband or son.

A husband has a far superior position over his wife and all major decisions are taken by him without taking into consideration her wishes and aspirations. This has created an imbalance and disharmony in the families. There has been appreciable change in our attitude as far as the employment of women is concerned. We do like that our wives, daughters or sisters are gainfully employed but as far as their right to spend their earnings is concerned, our attitude is still unchanged and conservative. A working woman helps her husband by bringing additional income, but as a housewife she has no help from her husband. Men regard household chores below their dignity and never help women in their work. Thus, women are doubly burdened, which often causes tension, maladjustment and family problems.


There is much to be done towards emancipation of women in India. They are still subdued and dominated by men and cannot assert their equality as desired in every walk of life. In a number of our states, the custom of child marriage still exists, widow remarriage is not allowed, and girls are still given away in marriages against their will. Then there is the dowry system. Poor parents cannot afford to give dowry and so are obliged either to keep their daughters unmarried or give them away in marriages to unmatched husbands. Women, especially in rural India, still find themselves weak, helpless and exploited. The rate of literacy among them is alarmingly low. Sometimes they are treated no better than commodities. They are still confined to the four walls of their house, engaged in household drudgery. They have been forced by arrogant men to play a totally subordinate role because they are economically and socially not independent. This has been further helped by our old, outdated and conservative customs. Their hard work and toil as housewives and working women, though significant enough to run a household and family, still goes unrewarded and unrecognized.

The present status of women in India has to be further consolidated and improved. It cannot be achieved unless women themselves come forward and organise themselves as a power to be reckoned with. They should stop thinking in terms of being the weaker sex. They should rise as one powerful body and fight the menace of dowry and child- marriage. They should fight tooth and nail wherever there is abuse, exploitation, humiliation and injustice. They should raise their voices against all social evils and male arrogance. They should wage a relentless war against “apartheid of sex”. They should come forward and take more active part in the political affairs of the country and get themselves elected in greater numbers to public offices. Their representation in our various legislatures is still too meager. Unless the women of India organise their own movements in a powerful manner they will be left out of taking vital decisions. They should assert and achieve economic independence so as to be able to play their proper and legitimate role in society.

Answered by rishu6845











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