Informal letter writing format
Informal Letter Format
Address: The address of the sender is followed by that of the receiver.
Date: The date is written below the address after leaving one line.
Salutation / Greeting (Dear / Hi / Hello)
Body: The matter of the letter is written here. ...
Sender's name and signature.
Sender's Address,
How are you? I am fine.Hope the same from you......... ------------------ ---------------- ----------
------------------ Content ------------------
------------------ -------------------- -------------------.
Complimentary close.
Name. { Name should be underlined }
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| Receiver's |
| |
| Address. |
Sender's address = Adress of the person who is sending the letter.
Date = the date on which you are writing the letter.
Salutation = Dear friend,father,mother,sister,etc...
Content = The matter.
Complimentary Close = Reply soon,Hope for a positive reply,etc....
Subscription = Yours Lovingly or Your lovely sister/brother,etc..
Name = Your Name.
| |
| Receiver's Address = Address of the | | person to whom you are writing letter. |
NOTE : Receiver's Address should always be written in a box.
* Name should be underlined. *