information about cheras
The "Kongu Cheras'" are known to have controlled Karur-Vanchi in central Tamil Nadu in the medieval period. ... In the modern period the rulers of Cochin and Travancore (in Kerala) also claimed the title "Chera
The Chera or the Kerela country was situated to the west and north of the land of pandyas. It included the narrow strips land between sea and the mountain and covered portion of the modern Kerela state.
In the early centuries of the common era the chera country was an important as the country of the Cholas and the pandyas. It owed its importance to trade with the Romans. The Romans set up two regiments at muziris in the chera country to protect their interests. It is said that they also built there a temple of Augustus.
According to the Chera poets their greatest king was senguttuvan, the Red chera.