information about ground grafting and mound grafting
Hi mate
Grafting or graftage is a horticultural technique whereby tissues of plants are ... If such a tree is planted with the graft below the soil, then the scion portion can also grow roots and the ...
Ground layering :
In this method, abranch of plant, which is near the ground, is chosen and a ring of bark about 2.5 cmis diameter is removed just below the bud. This branch is then bended and buried insoil when still attached to the mother plant. The soil is regularly watered to keep itmoist. Within a few weeks, the roots are formed and new plant is separated fromthe mother plant. Separation should be done in such a way that the roots formedalso go with the detached plant. These new plants should preferably be planted inpots or nursery rows for development of better root system and shoot system before planting in the fields. This method is commonly followed for propagation of baramasilemon.
Mound layering :
In this method, plant is headed back either in February or inJuly. The new shoots come out during April and September, from ground level. A ringof bark is removed from these shoots and they are covered with moist soil. Therooted stools of April stooling are separated during rainy season and those of Augustare removed in the following spring. These stools, after separating from the parentplant are planted in the nursery fields.