Environmental Sciences, asked by aarshiaa, 3 months ago

Information about Medical plants in Himachal Pradesh which are used by them in their traditional health system and write a note about their medical uses.
1. Bracted Bugleweeds
2.Aloe vera
3.White Himalaya Rue
4.Himalaya dandelion
5.Himalayan Violet

I did not get the answer to this question. Can anyone tell me the answer ​


Answered by Ꮇσσηℓíght

Medicinal plants and herbs like turmeric, ginger, basil leaves, mint and cinnamon are commonly used in Indian dishes and they offer several health benefits. Cold and flu, relieve stress, better digestion, strong immune system and the list is simply endless.

Answered by GlimmeryEyes


1. Bracted Bugleweed is a perennial much-branched spreading sometimes rhizomatous herb, 5-20 cm tall, sometimes rooting at the lower nodes.

2. At present, there are about 18000 Aloe Vera plants in Forest Nurseries of Rajgarh and Sarahan Forest Ranges which are ready to be distributed to the JFMSs and public under plantation schemes of 'Sanjha Van Sanjeevani Van' and 'Apna Van Apna Dhan' for plantation in common and private lands.

3. White Himalayan Rue is a graceful autumn-flowering plant about 2 feet high, with leaves resembling those of the common Rue, only more glaucous and finely divided.

4. Himalayan Dandelion is a delicate plant characterized by outer florets white and central florets pale yellow, hairless flowering-stem and a leaf shape ranging from almost entire to distantly toothed. White Himalayan Dandelion is found in NW Himalayas, Ladakh.

5. Himalayan White Violet is a nearly prostrate herb found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to NE India, at altitudes of 1500-2400 m. Flowers are pale violet, often almost white, 1-1.8 cm across, with a short blunt spur, and hairy sepals, on erect stalks 5-15 cm long.


hope this helps you.

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