Computer Science, asked by rizwanafatima016, 1 year ago

Input "enter the name of the article; N$"


Answered by leelamewara125

CLS 5- Question 6- Alphanumeric B- State true or false: 1- True 2- False 3- True 4- False 5- True 6- True 7- False C- Application based questions: 1- PRINT N$,M$, "TOTAL" 2- INPUT statement. D- Multiple choice questions: 1- b 2- b 3- c 4- b 5- b E- Identify the errors and re-write the statements: Ans-1 INPUT "Enter the name of the article":n$ Ans-2 LET A$= "AARAV" Ans-3 INPUT "Enter total marks= "; M$ Ans-4 PRINT "Marks= "; M Ans-5 LET X$="MY NAME IS KABIR" F- Write the QB64 statements for the following statements. Ans-1 LET Z$= "SUM" SUM=X+Y Ans-2 LET A=10 Ans-3 LET A$= "ABHINAV" Ans-4 LET Z$=C C=A*B

Ans-5 LET X$="NAME" LET Y$="SURNAME" PRINT X$;Y$ Ans-6 INPUT "MARKS= ";M G- Answer the following: Q-1 What is the use of INPUT statement? What does a computer do when we use INPUT statement? Ans- The INPUT statement in QBasic and QB64 is used to accept a data item from the user and store it in a variable. While using INPUT statement, the computer can perform the following tasks: It stops further execution of the program. It prints a question mark on the screen. It waits for the user to key in its response and press the enter key. It stores or assigns the same data item. Q-2 What is the use of PRINT statement using TAB function? Ans- The TAB function is used to move the print position to the column indicated in its argument. This statement is quite suitable for printing tabular type of results. PRINT TAB statement can be used in controlling column location. Q-3 Differentiate between the use of PRINT statement with comma and semicolon by using examples. Ans- PRINT with SEMI-COLON(;) is used to display the values one after another, without any space in between. Syntax:PRINT TAB (C); "constant/variable/expression" Q-4 What is the use of assignment statement? Ans- The LET statement or Assignment statement is used to assign a value to a variable. In QB 64, line numbers are not required. Since it is compatible to Qbasic, it accepts the programs with LET statement and line numbers. Syntax: [LET] <Variable name>=<value or expression> Q-5 When does the "redo from start" message get displayed on the screen? Ans- If the value entered during execution of program does not match with the type of variable given in the program, then the "redo from start" messsage is displayed on the graphic screen. A- Fill in the blanks: 1-640x Resolution 3- Line Lesson-12 Graphics in QB64

Answered by SwethaHN


The correct statement is-

INPUT "ENTER the names of the article" ; N$"

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