Computer Science, asked by ekta242, 1 year ago

Input Format
The first line contains 2 space separated integers N and M representing the number of hills and the number of
forest roads.
Next follows M lines. The ith line contains 4 integers Ui, Vi, ti, h; - u; and v; represents the starting and ending hills
of a forest road respectively, t; and h; represents the time taken to cross this road by the tortoise and the hare
2 <=N<= 250
2 < M<= N(N-1)
1 < U; V; <N (u; != vi)
0 <=t, h = 1000 000 000
Output Format
You have to print two space separated integers - the first one is the minimum number of roads in the chosen
path, and the second one is the biggest margin by which the tortoise can win the race on the chosen route
in c language​


Answered by pkarmakar0094

Sorry posted a wrong answer. I will post the correct answer later. I don't know how to remove the answer.

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