English, asked by rahulram7272, 6 months ago

Intellect & intelligence : Know the difference

1. For long there has been no awareness or endeavour by us to develop the art of

thinking. As a result the lives of people are based on groundless beliefs. And

their beliefs rest on some absurd superstitions. Or mere assertions which bear no

proof. And now they find it difficult to question their veracity.

2. Following this trend humanity has reached a perilous state. We need to realise

the emergent need to develop and strengthen the intellect. The process of

thinking should start from an early age. Develop the art of thinking. Follow it up

with the study of the impeccable truths of life.

3. Delve deep into the truths. Accept those that appeal to logic and reason. Apply

them in practical living. Adopt this procedure all through life. It will enable you

to build your intellect. Albert Einstein said that intellectual growth should

commence at birth and cease only at death.

4. We need strong intellect to exercise the right choice of action in life. We face

endless trials and tribulations. The human species alone is provided with intellect

to face and surmount mundane challenges.

5. All other species, devoid of intellect, are helpless victims of the rigours of the

external world. A powerful intellect helps us overpower these onslaughts. But

the role of the human intellect does not end there. The intellect has the unique

capacity to even transcend the world and reach the ultimate state of spiritual


6. Unaware of the need to build the intellect, we tend to entertain ourselves with

merely reading ourselves with merely reading others’ periodicals and

publications. We indulge in the mere length of study. Just pouring over pages of

literature apathetic to its deeper implications. Rare indeed are those who go into

the depth of study. Thus little is assimilated or absorbed by readers. People have

been educated robots for generations. And have been traversing through life

without knowing the meaning and purpose of it.

7. The world abounds in personalities with one-sided development. Intelligence and

no intellect. Take the example of a scientist who is an alcoholic. His liver is

damaged. He is extremely short-tempered and his blood pressure has shot up.And he is stressed, unable to face even small worldly challenges. Analyse his

personality carefully.

8. He is a brilliant scientist with profound knowledge of his subject. He has

acquired abundant intelligence but never cared to develop his intellect. His

intellect has always remained weak.

9. It lacks the strength to handle the multifarious demands of the mind. His mind

craves for alcohol. His intellect is not powerful enough to control the nagging

desire. So his mind raves in foul temper. His frail intellect is unable to control its

ravings. And when his mind is humiliated, strained and stressed by the problems

confronting it, his intelligence looks on helplessly.

10. On the contrary, there are luminaries possessing awesome intellects which hold

their minds under perfect control. Some of them possess no academic

qualification but academies are built around them. Only by developing the

intellect can we save ourselves from self-destruction and evolve to spiritual


I. Answer the following questions :

(a) How are superstitions an obstacle in developing the art of thinking ? 1

(b) Why is it important to develop the art of thinking ? 1

(c) What happens to people without intellect ? 2

(d) What do we need to do for building intellect ? 2

(e) Briefly explain the difference between intellect & intelligence. 2

(f) How can building intellect help us know the meaning &purpose of life ? 1

II. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following : 3

(a) Truthfulness (para 1) (b) Dangerous (para 2 & 3)

(c) Attacks (para 5 & 6)

III. For Additional Practice :

Look up dictionary for the meaning of the following words :

(a) Absurd (b) Mundane

(c) Multifarious (d) Nagging

(e) Luminaries​


Answered by princejaat0017



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