International day of yoga is observed on the 21st june .Your school also had observed and celebrated this day very significantly.Describe this event which took place in your school campus and you were also a part of this event
International Yoga Day is celebrated on the 21st of June each year. It was Prime Minister, Narendra Modi who gave the proposal to observe this day as International Yoga Day. Practicing yoga is one of the ways to grow into a better human being with a sharp mind, a good heart and a relaxed soul.
Yoga enables the unity of mind, body and soul. Different forms of yoga benefit our physical and mental health in different ways. International Yoga Day is celebrated to rejoice this unique art.
Though the first International Yoga Day was celebrated with great zeal in various parts of the world, it was particularly a special day for India. This is because Yoga was originated in India in the ancient times and having received recognition at this level was a matter of pride for us. The day was thus celebrated on a large scale in the country.
A big event was organized at Rajpath, Delhi in the honour of this day. The event was attended by Mr. Modi and notable people from as many as 84 nations.