English, asked by shreyaalkunte, 7 months ago

interview questions for fortune teller


Answered by arrazakhan25


malum nahi


bhai mujhe bas ek gf bani hai

Answered by hiyashreejha


Definition for Organized Workplace:

The job's success depends on systems and procedures;

its successful performance is tied to careful organization

of activities, tasks and projects that require accuracy.

Record keeping and planning are essential components of the job.

Step 2: Develop interview questions for each key job area

using opening statements that ask for examples. Such as:

“Tell me about a situation where you...”

“Give me a specific example of a time where you had to..."

“How well did you handle it when...”

"Tell me about..."

Sample Accountant Best Interview Questions Using the Competency "Organized Workplace"

"Tell me about specific situations where you implemented procedures and systems. What worked? What didn't?"

"How important is record-keeping is to you. What system do you use?"

"Tell me about how you how you analyze data."

"Give me a specific example of a time where you were required to research data to make a decision. What process did you use? What worked? What didn't?"

Step 3: Press for specifics and listen aggressively.

If someone is strong in an competency area they will be able to provide solid and clear examples of work or situation from the past that demonstrate their expertise in that area.

During the interview take note of any areas that are answered with vague examples and press for more specifics.

Pay close attention to, and follow up on, ANY and ALL houghts or feelings of concern you have about the candidate. (This is VERY important...if the examples your candidate provides are vague, you could have problem - DO NOT skip over, move through or ignore your concerns or intuition!)

Startling Statistics...

Almost half of newly hired employees will fail within 18 months. In a Human Resource study of 312 companies that had collectively hired more than 200,000 people. 46% failed in the first year and a half, and only 19% had unequivocal success.

The study revealed what most interfered with the new employee's success:

26% couldn't accept feedback

23% were unable to understand and manage emotions

17% lacked the motivation to excel

15% had the wrong temperament for the job

11% lacked the necessary technical skills

As surprising as these numbers are, even more surprising is that 82% of hiring managers had a sense that the employee wouldn't work out!!

They saw subtle signs of areas that could be potential problems during the interview. But they ignored the signs because they were either too focused on other issues, were too pressed for time, or they lacked confidence in interpreting them.

fortune teller - predicting performance

Don't let this be you! Be sure to use ALL Three Best Interview Questions Steps.

Pick the best interview questions by tying what you ask directly to what the job needs and then press the candidate for specific examples of past performance.

Be sure to pay close attention and listen aggressively and to follow up on any and all vague answers and concerns.

Following these steps will help you get a glimpse of your future with this person. It's kind of like having your very own Fortune Teller!

Hiring Manger and Employer Interviewer Resources:

Daily Tips Program & Book: Get 70 Hiring and Interview Tips Delivered to Your Email Monday through Friday

Plan a Talk or Workshop for Your Interview Team: Risk, Reward and Research: The Top Three Mistakes Hiring Managers Make.


Contact us to schedule a Complimentary Consulting Call

or to ask questions about any of our Hiring,

Coaching, Training and Assessment services.

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