Interview with sole trader project
5 Interview of Sole Traders:-
1-What is the problem that your technology, product or service solves?
This is one of the most important. It is about explaining what your company does, what it is dedicated to, what it sells and whether this novelty comes to solve a problem of a certain public or collective or responds to a demand. If not, the idea does not help much.
2- How this problem solved without your product?
You must explain what other alternatives exist so far in the market to respond to that need.
3- Why is it worthwhile to solve this problem with your service?
That is, you have to know how to explain what differentiates your proposal from those that already exist in the market and for what reasons there will be people who prefer your proposal to what is already there.
4- What does your product do?
You have to describe clearly and clearly what your service or technology consists of. As simple as what he does.
5- What are the main features and benefits of your service?
In line with the previous question, it is about explaining how our proposal works, what possibilities it offers, what advantages it brings to users or buyers compared to other options, and so on.