English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

introduction of the chapter the fun they had. 9th class English beehives.....................................​


Answered by Anonymous


The story , the fun they had is about a girl name margie and his friend Tommy. Tommy found a book in the attic of his house . When he show that book to margie, margie read it in excitement but according to tommy that book is just a waste.

Margie is a modern girl and in the book is written that in ancient times how childrens goes to school with their friends and study in a class with a individual teacher, how they play study together, play together. Margie's school is in her house , the room next to her room. Her teacher is a mechanical teacher means she study from a computer . She don't knows what 's the school is.

When she read the whole book then she get to know that so fun they had

Answered by preet123456789


here is ur ans ❤❤⭐⭐


The story , the fun they had is about a girl name margie and his friend Tommy. Tommy found a book in the attic of his house . When he show that book to margie, margie read it in excitement but according to tommy that book is just a waste.

Margie is a modern girl and in the book is written that in ancient times how childrens goes to school with their friends and study in a class with a individual teacher, how they play study together, play together. Margie's school is in her house , the room next to her room. Her teacher is a mechanical teacher means she study from a computer . She don't knows what 's the school is.

When she read the whole book then she get to know that so fun they had...

hope it helps u ❤❤

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