Introduction on industrialisation in india
India began her quest for industrial development after independence in 1947. The Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948 marked the beginning of the evolution of the Indian Industrial Policy. The resolution not only defined the broad contours of the policy; it delineated the role of the state in industrial development both as an entrepreneur and as an authority. Successive policy resolutions also reiterated this basic tilt in favor of the public sector.
The Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 gave the public sector a strategic role in the economy. It categorized industries which would be the exclusive responsibility of the state or would progressively come under state control and others. Earmarking the pre-eminent position of the public sector, it envisaged private sector co-existing with the state and thus attempted to give the policy framework flexibility.
The Industrial Policy initiatives undertaken by the Government since July 1991 have been designed to build on the past industrial achievements and to accelerate the process of making Indian industry internationally competitive.
It recognizes the strength and maturity of the industry and attempts to provide the competitive stimulus for higher growth. The thrust of these initiatives has been to increase the domestic and external competition through extensive application of market mechanisms and facilitating forging of dynamic relationships with foreign investors and suppliers of technology. The process of reform has been continuous.
Industrialisationis the process of manufacturing consumer goods and capital goods and of building infrastructure in order to provide goods and services to both individuals and businesses.
#Raising Income
#Changing the Structure of the Economy
#Meeting High-Income Demands
#Overcoming Deterioration in the Terms of Trade
#Bringing Technological Progress