++ is an ____ operator.
An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations. C++ is rich in built-in operators and provide the following types of operators −
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators
Assignment Operators
Misc Operators
This chapter will examine the arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, assignment and other operators one by one.
Arithmetic Operators
There are following arithmetic operators supported by C++ language −
Assume variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 20, then −
Show Examples
Operator Description Example
+ Adds two operands A + B will give 30
- Subtracts second operand from the first A - B will give -10
* Multiplies both operands A * B will give 200
/ Divides numerator by de-numerator B / A will give 2
% Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer division B % A will give 0
++ Increment operator, increases integer value by one A++ will give 11
-- Decrement operator, decreases integer value by one A-- will give 9
Is C++ an operator?
For example, + is an operator used for addition, while - is an operator used for subtraction. Operators in C++ can be classified into 6 types: Arithmetic Operators. Assignment Operators.
4. C++ Logical Operators.
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The arithmetic operator is the correct answer. ++ is an Arithmetic operator.
- Operators are symbols that carry out operations on variables and values.
- An arithmetic expression is an expression that includes operands and mathematics operators.
- An arithmetic expression computes a price of kind int, float, or double.
- There are 5 mathematics operators, +, -, *, I, and %, which respectively constitute the tactics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus. The modulus operator (%) offers the remainder while one integer is split via way of means of every other integer.
- Arithmetic operators are used to appear mathematics operations on variables and data.
- For example, a + b; Here, the + operator is used to feature variables a and b.