Computer Science, asked by souravbehera384, 6 months ago

_______is bitrate of available or consumed information capacity​


Answered by mahinderjeetkaur878

Answer: - Bandwidth.

Detailed answer: -

Bandwidth is bitrate of available or consumed information capacity.

  • It is expressed mainly in multiples of the metrics of the bits per second.

About Bitrate: -

  • The bitrate is also said as the data rate.
  • It is used to define the amount of the data or the amount of the information that is transmitted from a source to another at a specific time of need.
  • The bitrate is the speed of the signal at which the signal reaches from the source to the user or to its destination where it needs to get transfer.

About Bandwidth: -

  • Bandwidth is rate that is maximum.
  • In this the bits can be transferred from source to its destination using the given path at a maximum rate.
  • The signals in Bandwidth id measured in hertz.
  • It is the frequency rate that is between the lowest and the highest frequency level that is being attained or got.
  • It has the maximum capacity throughout the communication done physically or logically.

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