Is designed to provide a specific resistance between is expressed in ohms (0) or kilo-ohms (kq). resistors are usually marked with colored bands that encode their resistance, as shown in the figure below. the first two bands represent digits and the third is a power-of-ten multiplier. * digit digit tipler the table below shows the number value of each band color. for example, if the first band is red (represents 2), the second is black (represents 0), and the third is orange (represents 3), the resistance is 20 x 10q or 20 kn. colour black number value brown 1 red 2 orange 3 yellow 4 green blue violet grey white 19 write a program in java to calculate the resistance of the resistor given the color of all three bands. tip: 1. you may specify the colors of the bands in the program as per your choice 2. do not use arrays, methods other than main().
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designed to provide a specific resistance between is expressed in ohms (0) or kilo-ohms (kq). resistors are usually marked with colored bands that encode their resistance, as shown in the figure below. the first two bands represent digits and the third is a power-of-ten multiplier. * digit digit tipler the table below shows the number value of each band
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