is epithelial tissue simiiliar in function to the dermal tissue
Epithelial tissue is of two types :
1) simple epithelium (one layer of cells) offers protection , absorption, exchange of gases and filtration.
2) Stratified epithelium (multiples layers of cells) offers only protection which include.
Skin is keratinized stratified epithelium which offers protection from mechanical, chemical and temperatures and it check the loss and gain of water.
epithelial tissue
The epithelium is a type of body tissue that forms the covering on all internal and external surfaces of your body, lines body cavities and hollow organs and is the major tissue in glands
dermal tissue
Primary dermal tissues, called epidermis, make up the outer layer of all plant organs (e.g., stems, roots, leaves, flowers). They help deter excess water loss and invasion by insects and microorganisms. The vascular tissues are of two kinds: water-transporting xylem and food-transporting phloem.