Is humanity headed in the right or wrong direction?.....Raman..miss u...❤
Your answer
Humanity is definitely moving in the right
direction in some regards and most assuredly not doing so in others. For example, globalization has hugely raised the standard of living of a large segment of the human population. This is most evident in a country like China. Yet, the very processes by which the lives of those people have been improved has at the same time degraded the environment in which they live. While their nutrition has improved, the quality of the air they breathe has deteriorated drastically. People who suggest that we just leave everything to God and do nothing are seriously misguided.
Good morning
Have a nice day...
Here is your answer friend...
On average as a group most things are trending upwards. Although it might not feel so as an individual. Standards of living are increasing, life expectancy is increasing, and policies on a global scale are becoming more progressive.
I think there can be times where it feels like things are going in the wrong direction such as the entire trump presidency but if you step back and look at a scale of 50 or 100 years the change in the right direction is undeniable.
Hope it helps you....
Its Shivika Tiwari....