Is it necessary to know the facts first before making a decision? E
Autocratic level 1: You make a decision completely on your own, using whatever facts you already have.
Autocratic level 2: You need to get some information from others first, and then you can decide on your own. You are only asking for numbers or reports here – not advice. You may not even share why you need the information.
Consultative level 3: You share the problem with a few key individuals (people you trust) to get their advice, and then make the decision on your own. The whole group is not informed about the problem or brought together for discussion.
Consultative level 4: You share the problem with the whole team to get their ideas and suggestions, and then make the decision on your own. You do hear everyone’s perspective, but you are ultimately responsible for the making the final decision.
Democratic level 5: You share the problem with the entire group in discussion and reach consensus agreement on the decision together. Majority rules, so your opinion is not given any greater weight than the others. Your role is mostly as a facilitator and you help the team reach a decision that everyone can agree on.
The underlying assumption of this model is that no one style of decision making fits every situation. A leader can frustrate followers with endless meetings that involve everyone in every detail of the business. On the other hand, not including employees in major decisions can result in unexpected resistance.