is magnetic intensity substance is a placed in a magnetic field or not??
Harvested dry grains should be stored in granaries and silos. ▶Harvested food grains contain more moisture than required for storage so these grains should be sun - dried before storing to prevent growth of microbes on them and hence to stop the spoilage of food grains.
Magnetic Intensity
The magnetic intensity at a point is defined as the force that unit north – Pole experiences when it is placed in that field. The intensity of the magnetic field at P due to single pole is given by:
We say that the magnetic field B can be written as:
Intensity of Magnetic Field due to a Magnet at Different Points
In Longitudinal Position
Longitudinal Position
+/-m = Magnitude of the south and north poles
r = Distance of point P from the center of the magnet
l = Length of the bar magnet
∴ Intensity of the magnetic field at point P is given by,
where M is the magnetic moment = 2*m*l
Case: For a small magnet, r2 ≫ l2
In Transverse Position
Transverse Position
The intensity of the magnetic field at point P is given by,
When the magnet is of short length,
In Any General Position
Any General Position
The direction of is always parallel to the axis from the north to the south pole in the magnet.