Is reservation is important at 21th century in India?
The issue is not related to 21st century. The reservations 8n India from independence are a product of oppression of certain sections of society by the upper castes for centuries .
Even today many of those oppressive acts continue to be inflcited on the dalits and a few other sections of the society
Thus Indian society remains a privileged society and equity is seriously missing from the norms of the society.
Thus to bring up these oppressed classes and sections upto the level of upper castes reservation in jobs was one of the chosen instruments by the forefathers.
But obviously it wasn't ever going to be enough . Hence the reservation has been extended to other areas like education in order to make a start from the childbirth and growing years.
The question then arises how long can we continue with reservations and upto what percentage the seats should be reserved .
Both questions are difficult to answer. I personally feel that once a family has become beneficiary of reservations then that family should be moved out of the category of those eligible for reservation.
Of course this proposition would be hotly contested but its just my opinion .
And I feel the reservations should not go beyond 50 percent
And now there's no need to extend reservations to any other areas.
Also at the same time upper castes must begin to accept all sections of society as equals and not discriminate against the dalits or the sections from reserved category etc.
India and Indians should strive to make Indian society as egalitarian as possible. Thanks for asking .