Is spinach a herb or a shrub or a tree?
It is termed as a herb because it is short in length, due to its short stem .
Spinach surely owes all the characteristics of an herb, and it also does not live for a long period of time.
1. Herbs are non- woody, seed producing plants while shrubs are woody plants which contains many main stems arising near the ground. Trees are perennials which are woody in nature, having a single trunk growing into a considerable height.
2. Herbs have soft stems which are non-woody while shrubs have thick stems which are not too hard.Trees always have thick and woody stems.
3. In herbs, stems don’t have branches while shrubs had branches arising from their base. Trees have branches arising from a single stem.
4. Herbs are shorter in size than shrubs while trees are the tallest among all.
Considering all these factors, one can clearly understand “Spinach” doesn’t come under the category of Trees. We can see that spinach had a non-woody stem which is soft in nature and it can be edible and it doesn't have branches arising from their stems. Hence, it is clear that “Spinach” is a “HERB”.