Is switching all lights on is a Reduce, Reuse or Recycle thing
switching off light is reduce of usage of electricity
The three R’s are: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
Reduce means that you use less. Saving electricity by switching off unnecessary lights and fans. Saving water by repairing leaking taps and closing taps when not in use. Not wasting food. Using less of your personal vehicle ans saving on fuel.
Recycle: This means that you collect plastic, paper, glass and metal items and recycle this material to make required things instead of synthesising fresh plastic, paper, glass or metal. The waste must be separated into recyclable and non recyclable.
Reuse: This is even better than recycling because it saves the energy which is spent at recycling a product. Things are used over and over again. For example, envelopes can be reused by reversing them. Plastic and glass bottles, in which packed items come, can be reused to store many materials in kitchen. We can reuse the water in which we have rinsed our cloths for cleaning the utensils or the floor of the house. Old newspaper can be used for packing. All this will help reduce the waste and garbage produced and keep a check on pollution.
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