Is the formula of temperature $ \frac{1}{T}= \left(\frac{\partial S}{\partial U}\right)_{V,N}$ applicable to all type of ensembles?
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I have seen multiple posts on this page that explained the statistical definition of Temperature as the derivative of the Entropy to the energy:
Where SS has always been the Boltzmann Entropy,
My Question is: Does this Definition also apply to other Ensembles than the micro-canonical Ensemble? For any other Ensemble, can I also calculate ∂S∂⟨U⟩∂S∂⟨U⟩ where ⟨U⟩⟨U⟩ is supposed to be the averaged Energy and S=−kB⟨ln(ρ)⟩S=−kB⟨ln(ρ)⟩ is not any-more the Boltzmann entropy, but instead the Gibbs - Entropy, with ρρ being the probability distribution of the system?
I know that there are ensembles in which temperature is given externally and then defines the state of the system, like the canonical ensembles. But you can still assume for a given set of equilibrium states, that the temperature "changes" with the change of average Energy ⟨U⟩⟨U⟩, and thus my question is up also for those cases
Where SS has always been the Boltzmann Entropy,
My Question is: Does this Definition also apply to other Ensembles than the micro-canonical Ensemble? For any other Ensemble, can I also calculate ∂S∂⟨U⟩∂S∂⟨U⟩ where ⟨U⟩⟨U⟩ is supposed to be the averaged Energy and S=−kB⟨ln(ρ)⟩S=−kB⟨ln(ρ)⟩ is not any-more the Boltzmann entropy, but instead the Gibbs - Entropy, with ρρ being the probability distribution of the system?
I know that there are ensembles in which temperature is given externally and then defines the state of the system, like the canonical ensembles. But you can still assume for a given set of equilibrium states, that the temperature "changes" with the change of average Energy ⟨U⟩⟨U⟩, and thus my question is up also for those cases
The Answer is AWSM ^_^ @abhishek
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