English, asked by itzzmeria, 1 year ago

is there anybody who give me some lines on Dhola Maru in Hindi​



Answered by himpandey665


The Dhola Maru story is deeply rooted in folklore and oral traditions. The story related work is available in prose and poetry as well as in mixed form also. 'Dhola Maru ri chaupai' a book composed by Jain monk Kushallabh in 1617, in which he writes that the story is old one. some manuscripts in 1473 also describes about the story. 'Dhola Maru ra doha' is the edited text by Kashi nagari Pracharini sabha.


Rajasthani Version:

This is a love story of Narwar prince Dhola and Poogal princess Maru. The couple is married in their childhood. Later the father of Dhola, the king Nal, died and Dhola forgot the marriage and got married again to Malwani. Maru sent many messages to Dhola, but all were destroyed by Malwani.

A group of folk singers from Poogal visited the Narwar and told Dhola about his first wife Maru. Dhola made a perilous journey and faced many obstacles, and his wife Malwani also tried to stop him from going. He arrived at Poogal and Dhola and Maru were united at last.

In return journey, Maru is bitten by a snake and in sorrow Dhola decides to burn himself as 'male sati'. But he was save by a yogi and yogini who claimed that they could bring Maru back to life. They played their musical instruments and brought back Maru to life. Umar Sumar again tried to kill Dhola, but however they escaped from there riding back on the wonderful flying camel and the couple along with Malwani lived happily ever after.

Chhattisgarhi Version:

In Chhattisgarh version, Dhola is the son of king Nal and mother Damyanti. Dhola in his previous birth is one very beautiful young man who was catching fish in the village pond through angle called 'gari' in Chhattisgarhi. Rewa, an exceptionally beautiful woman, who was daughter-in-law of some family in the village in her previous birth, came to fetch water seven times, expecting Dhola at least to say a word to her. However, when getting no response from Dhola, she broke her silent by reciting following verse which rhymes:

gari khele, gari khelwa kahaaye, au lambe mele taar, saato lahut paani aaye ga Dhola, tai eko naiee bole baat

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