English, asked by ee1000, 4 months ago

Is WB Yeats poem " The Second Coming " talking about future prediction?​ but how can you explain it for me?​


Answered by bhadurydebmalya16422


I think, yes, the poem is talking about some future prediction. If we read the three section of the poem we can easily find that in the first section Yeats thought that may be something chang is coming at his surrounding horror world. And in the second section, beginning with the line "Surely some revelation is at hand," finds the speaker sure that some major shift is happening around him.

The third section describes the speaker's vision for what this Second Coming, this new world redefined by all the violence and chaos that occurred in the past, might look like. He thinks about the "Spiritus Mundi," which is a Latin term meaning "World Spirit," and begins to visualize images within this "World Spirit," including desert sphinxes and shadowy birds.

By the end of the poem, the speaker is sure that something even worse is coming. Some nightmare—some "rough beast"—is rising, approaching the earth at a rapid pace. He doesn't know what this creature is, but he can sense its approach—and it is the ominous core of "The Second Coming," that mysterious tide of evil and mystery approaching the world in the form of a modernity full of violence, war, and the loss of traditional meaning and values.

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