Issue relevant to how people with disability express their sexuality.
Here are some common myths with respey to sexuality
. Sexuality education will make kids. go wild
. Masturbation is harmful
. Men need sex more than women do
. Homosexual and bisexual people are abnormal
. A woman bleeds the first time she has sex
. Violence and sexual abuse do not occur in ‘good homes’
. There is no rape within marriage
Similarly, myths around disability and sexuality also exist. Here are some common ones
. People with disabilities are innocent, childlike and asexual – they have no sexual feelings
. People with disabilities are uncontrollable, oversexed and sexually violent
. Because some people with disabilities are dependent on others for their physical needs, they do not have the capacity to make independent decisions about themselves and their lives
. Because some of them may be weak or sick, they are seen as objects of care and asexual
. Because they do not have perfectly formed or perfectly performing bodies, they can never be seen as sexually attractive.