English, asked by tanishapunjabi15, 7 months ago

'It is always easier to criticize than to create.' Explain the statement with reference
the poem.​


Answered by gurmitjuly


It is easier to criticize than be criticized?

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Most people can find something wrong with anything. When it comes to politics, it’s easy for me to criticize politicians’ “wrong-headed, blithering, etc.” opinions. As a teacher, I am often criticizing my students work… albeit framing it as constructive criticism. But in their world, I’m saying they’re wrong (so I might do something like ask, “How we can make that sentence stronger?”). People love to be right, which usually means someone else is wrong and that sometimes leads to criticism. We often feel it is our right to criticize others. Trolls delight in criticism; they tend to be vindictive, righteous, or think they’re clever. My observation and conclusion is that our current president feels free to criticize those who disagree with him (but becomes defensive when the press or others criticize him).

I and many people I’ve talked to get defensive when people criticize us. I’ve gotten better at shutting my mouth and listening, but one of my first impulses is to defend myself and give reasons for whatever I’ve done. I believe my automatic resistance to criticism comes from a closed mindset. One of the symptoms of a closed mindset is thinking that failure and mistakes are bad.

It is easier for me to criticize than be criticized.

On the other hand….

Some people have a difficult time criticizing someone because they don’t want to confront that person or possibly have them feel bad. Perhaps they want to appear nice or polite. Or they’re afraid that there will be negative repercussions. A friend of mind sometimes refrains from criticizing her husband because he can get very angry. You might not criticize your boss if you fear that he/she will retaliate.

Some people are used to being criticized, so even though they resent it, it’s easier just to take it. I remember a kid in high school who would frequently criticize me and I might have defended myself a few times, but I didn’t do much. I thought of things I wanted to say to him, but didn’t say those words.

As I work on developing an open mindset, I put myself in courses to be coached and trained. I’ve improved in taking criticism and learning how I can improve. I’m also slowly getting it that when someone criticizes me, it’s not personal. Months ago I had a phone call to provide a service. The “client” did not like what I provided. My first reaction was to be right about how I was being of service and think the client was wrong. And then I listened to where he was coming from (his view) and looked at what I could do to improve. As I’ve gained mastery as a communicator, I’ve discovered that there’s always more to get.

The rest of this answer does not directly pertain to the question, but speaks to the subject and may be of interest to you….

Observe when you easily criticize and when it seems more difficult. One pattern I see is that it’s easier for me criticize those who have less authority than I have. And it’s easier to criticize someone in a complaint to another person rather than criticize someone to their face. It’s also easier to criticize someone if I think it’s for their good (I’m standing for their success) than if it’s simply something I don’t like (it’s about my comfort or protecting my point of view).

Also observe your reaction when people criticize you. Note whether your reactions help you or get in the way of you being more successful. Are you taking their comments personally?

If you care about having this world be a better place, I think it would serve people to consider your context before criticizing someone, their actions or their creations. You may ask yourself if you’re on their side or the side of the greater good… in other words, can you speak with their interests in mind so they can better hear you. See if your criticism is about controlling, shaming, trying to feel better about yourself, or protecting your view (standing up for values that made this country great!). A lot of criticism doesn’t make a difference because people tune you out when you say they’ve done something wrong. That’s why it’s often fruitless to try to talk someone out of their religion, political opinions, or whatever they feel strongly about.

Now that you’ve read my views, is it easy for you to criticize them? Most likely, you won’t feel I’m criticizing you, so you won’t feel threatened and then need to criticize me. But if I’ve written something that challenges your views, you may feel compelled to criticize me. If so, go ahead… I know it’s not personal

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