it is an urgent piece of work.

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Boys are not like girls. We'll never get along!
Boys are so boring. All they want to talk about is football and videogames. Victor is different but he can't seem to break away from his friends. When he's by himself, he will talk to us about books, but when he is with his friends, he's completely different.
Why are boys so different? June tried to talk to Victor today, but he just wanted to play with his friends. They are always making a lot of niose whenever they get together.
Ms. Lee's class was really great today. She taught us about ballads. Ballads are poems with stories in them.For the past week, we have been studying rhythm and rhymes and tommorow we are going to write a simple ballad.
Mr. Lee's a good teacher. She's really funny and smart. She will not let anyone interrupt her lesson, but she's always ready to listen and lend a hand.
That's all I can do for u!...
Thank u!!..☺️
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